Thursday, June 16, 2011


I have thought this same phrase so many times since Luke has been potty trained. He chooses some of the most inopportune moments to have to poop. Target, grocery stores, restaurants, parks, you name it - he's pooped there. There are few things worse than leaving a spectacular little lunch gathering or shopping excursion or anything else really, and standing in a 2x3 bathroom stall while your child takes a crap. 


Michelle Elkins AKA Mickey said...

i think it's a boy thing. they want to be gross ha

The Emerys said...

Oh my gosh its the worst!! Pax had to go at Jcpenneys this week and there bathroom was disgusting!

Melissa P said...

I agree! Leath is potty training right now too--- I still put pull-ups on when we go out because I am too nervous!

Unknown said...

Nice blog. It is very nice information Its so looking nice