Sunday, September 28, 2008

Luke's Bedroom

We found it. FINALLY. after many many weeks of waiting and different stores "warehouse issues" etc etc we HAVE A CRIB!!

I am finally starting to feel like our son's room is actually ready for him to get here - which is a HUGE relief, considering he'll be here in like 3.5 weeks!

Anyway, here are some pictures of it....and the best part of all, I think it only took like an hour to put it all together - I had heard so many horror stories of people and their crib nightmares!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I think it is official - the fall is my favorite season. Leaves changing, sweater wearing - you know, that's all grand and everything. BUT, the real love of the season is the new seasons of my favorite shows!!!

First we have Heroes. oh man. then the biggest loser, and law & order: svu, then there are my guitly pleasures - lipstick jungle, desperate housewives & grey's anatomy. then the funny friday night - Life.

It just really makes me love this whole week of all the new shows. seriously. it's fantastic.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

my dear louisiana love

yay for meagan cotter coming to visit! I am still recovering from no luke (her husband) but not getting to see him in no way made her less worth it! I just love love love her. Here are some cute pictures of us at lunch.

And by "cute" I mean, i'm coming to terms with the fact that i'm 8 months pregnant so the word "cute" means something different for me than it does for your average skinny, long haired females (the other two in the picture.....)

Now, if you look closely and wonder what on earth i'm holding in my's a quilt that meagan made - ALL BY HERSELF - for our cute little baby lukey. i L O V E it so much. I can't wait to wrap him in it every night when he goes to sleep and get to tell him about his great aunty meagan that lives in the land of cajuns and alligators. i love her. it was a great weekend!

Megan Evans - feel no less love here, it was great seeing you too! It's weird having NO GIRLS live around me with you and nic in logan and meagan in lousiana. i'm left with nate and andy. so believe me, i was glad to see you too!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Weekend Projects

What a busy weekend. I keep hearing this topic of "nesting" and thought it was totally bogus. Then all of a sudden - it hit me. I had this COMPLETELY uncontrollable drive to do project after project! So, as I was browsing KSL classifieds - one of my favorite websites - I founds this KILLER dresser. It was this totally gross yellowish color with gold trim and the original handles that had like leafy finials (however you spell something like that). I showed it to Cory, and he, after learning to trust me :), told me we could get it. So...we picked it up on Friday and I went a little crazy with it. Here are the after pictures (I totally spaced taking before pics...oops)

So, the picture on the left shows the whole dresser with our great comic-book poster above it. We are making the room a super hero theme. We have some vintage comic books to frame and put on another wall. And my cutest little brother Jake found this poster and gave it to us when we were out there in Wisconsin. So now, Uncle Jakey gets to be the first one that contributed to Lukeys room!

The second picture is just half of the dresser so you can get a better idea of what it looks like. It seriously is the coolest dresser. And it is so old that is SOLID construction - none of this fake wood nonsense they sell in stores these days!


While I was at Home Depot - stalling really so I could give my sister's number to the paint guy - I decided I needed to paint our kitchen table. I have been debating day after day after day what color to paint it. And the tricky part is that our kitchen stuff is all black and red...however, I wanted something much more exciting than black and not quite as overwhelming as red. So, as I was browsing the paint chips in Home Depot, I came upon it...the perfect color. Ocean Ripple. It hit me like a ton of bricks!

Again, I didn't take a "before" picture - but I'm sure you can imagine what it looked like. It was the typical dark-stained kitchen table! I like it SO much more now!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


man. i think life has been busier than ever lately! i can't even tell where the last month has gone! So...rather than lots of separate posts (like only somone on top of things can do) it's time for just one massive one.
It all started with a wonderful trip to Wisconsin. I haven't seen all my family since last Christmas so i was SO SO SO excited to get to hang out with them all again for a week! Tyler and Katy got married FINALLY and all I can say is I was seriously a baby the whole time. I was so proud of myself because I didn't cry the day they went through the temple for the first time, however, the wedding day...I was basically a complete mess.
Here are very few pictures of the festivities!

After Wisconsin came some regular life - crazy busy work for both me and cory, preparing for little baby lukey and just living life.
last weekend we went to st george for the real vacation. Cory took me to see Les Miserables at the Tuacahn theater. Now, I LOVE theater - however I was worried for some reason that it was going to be kind of like a home-made play. I was completely wrong. it was FAN TAS TIC! I had almost forgotten how much i love the music in that play. oh man. I can't stop singing it and listening to it on my ipod now!!
Thanks Cory for such a fun weekend!
Today we bought a great dresser. (this is how exciting life gets around the daley household :) ) It was listed on KSL classifieds - which might be my absolute favorite thing in the world - and it is totally vintage and the coolest dresser ever. Now, normally I would just look and think it was neat, however I have been slightly stressed about finding a dresser for luke's room. And I have maybe been slightly picky about it....
Anyway, so there I was browsing the classifieds, and BAM - there it was. I immediately IM'd Cory with the link and made him look at it. He liked it and said we should go look at it and get it as long as it is sturdy and in good shape. So, we went today and bought it!! I am so exciited.
The greatest part is that lately I have felt so driven after work, which is so abnormal, but I am totally feeling up for the challenge of sanding, painting and changing the hardware on it! I will post a picture as soon as I'm done.
That's about the update for now. Life is good. I'm ready to be done being pregnant. I mean, I have loved it and all, I am just ready to move on. I can feel him moving around ALL the time and I just seriously can not wait to meet the little guy. I imagine every day what he will look like and what his personality will be. I have gone a little overboard with the baby clothes lately too - he is going to have the cutest little outfits! Cory is so funny when I drag him along with me to shop. he just nicely says "remember, we are having another baby shower next weekend...." and it's his subtle hint that the pile of clothes i'm carrying around is enough :)
I am so lucky to have the greatest husband in the world. So incredibly patient and caring. He really is the best. LOVE YA COR!!
And I am happy to say as a side note that Cotter was not eaten alive by hurricane Gustav! And I am still hoping michelle doesn't get eaten by hurricane ike or hanna or whatever one is coming next!!